Professional Teeth Whitening Kit Giving Natural Whiter Teeth..

Former Dental Nurse breaks ranks to reveal the frightening truth about teeth whitening products 

Say goodbye to expensive and dangerous teeth whitening treatments forever! This 100% safe, cheap and 

The alternative will give you a brighter, whiter smile from home -
and in just a few weeks...

This surprisingly simple teeth whitening system will finally allow you to...

  • Achieve the sparkling, pearly white smile you’ve always wanted (and do it from home in just a few weeks from now!)

  • Boost your confidence and self-esteem in a matter of days, and feel proud of your smile for the first time in years

  • Enjoy going out again, and seeing your friends, family and work colleagues, because you’ll be desperate to show off your new, whiter teeth to as many people as possible!

  • Get the RIGHT kind of attention from the opposite sex (now they’ll be staring at your teeth for all the right reasons!)  

  • STOP feeling embarrassed by your smile (once you have brighter, whiter teeth, you’ll be grinning from ear to ear, and you won’t be able to stop!)

  • Get gorgeous white teeth for just PENNIES a day (most of these all-natural ingredients can already be found in your kitchen, or in any local grocery store)

  • Eliminate unsightly stains safely and NATURALLY, without endangering your health with unsafe, chemical bleaching

  • Dramatically improve your personal and work relationships (you’ll be amazed at the way people respond to someone with attractive, white teeth, as opposed to someone with ugly, discolored teeth)

  • And say goodbye to discoloured, yellowish teeth, FOREVER!

Teeth Whitening 4 You

Ancient Teeth Whitening Methods 

Our ancestors were also concerned about whiter teeth. They used different methods to achieve a shining smile. The ancient Egyptians around 4000 years ago started the process of teeth whitening. They were very much concerned with appearing beautiful and wealthy. Thus they mixed wine vinegar with a ground pumice stone in order to create a white paste which they applied to their teeth.

The ancient Romans used urine as bleach to whiten their teeth. It was the ammonia in the urine that contributed to a bright smile.

The Greeks of old times applied strange mixtures and chemicals to their teeth which they extracted from leaves.

During the 17th century, people used to go to their barber to whiten their teeth. The barber filed the teeth and rubbed citric acid to them. Unfortunately, this practice, left people with a few or no teeth at all because they decayed.

The Europeans of the Renaissance applied bleach to their teeth. They had whiter teeth for a limited period but as time passed their enamel started to wear away resulting in tooth decay.

In the early 19th century, fluoride was discovered in order to maintain healthy teeth. On the other hand, excessive use of fluoride caused teeth staining.

Applying Bleaching Gel To Brighten Teeth 
One of the teeth whitening methods that many people try at home is using a bleaching gel. Bleaching gel is pretty inexpensive and easy to find. Bleaching gels are made from a peroxide solution that can be applied in several different ways. The gel can be applied in a bleaching tray that fits over the teeth, or with a small brush or a toothbrush. It also can be put into a bleaching pen and applied with the pen.

Advantages of Using Bleaching Gel
One of the advantages of using the bleaching gel to brighten teeth is the ease of use. Because you can use the gel in a tray, in a pen, or painted directly onto the teeth with a brush it makes it easy for people to apply the gel in whatever method works for them. Bleaching gel works in as little as 10 minutes, which makes it perfect for people who want to brighten their teeth before going out or going to work. Bleaching gel also is not as messy as some other types of tooth whitening products because it is a thick gel. But despite the advantages using bleaching gel is not always the best choice for tooth whitening.

Disadvantages of Using Bleaching Gel
Bleaching gel, like many other peroxide-based tooth whiteners, doesn't dramatically whiten teeth. If your teeth have some minor staining or are just looking dull then a bleaching gel will make your teeth look whiter. But if your teeth are discoloured or seriously stained the peroxide gel won't have enough power to dramatically whiten your teeth. Another disadvantage is that the gel has to stay on your teeth in order to work which means you can't eat, drink, or do anything that might loosen the gel from the teeth the entire time that you're wearing the gel. Using the gel every day can weaken the enamel on your teeth and over time it can cause sensitivity or make any existing sensitivity worse. 

Bleachorexia: A Serious Disorder Which Destroys Your Teeth 

Bleachorexia may sound harmless, but it's a very serious disorder. People who feel like their teeth are never white enough and bleach their teeth over and over are said to have bleachorexia. A dentist coined the term a few years ago when he started noticing patients coming in over and over for bleaching treatments whose teeth were in really bad shape as a result of the over bleaching. When a person has bleachorexia they usually use home bleaching kits several times a week and see the dentist for more in-depth bleaching on a regular basis. But the overexposure to harsh bleaching gels and additives in-home bleaching kits can destroy teeth.

The Damages Caused by Over Bleaching Someone who suffers from bleachorexia thinks that their teeth are never white enough, so they keep bleaching. But as they keep bleaching the enamel of the tooth is worn away. That leaves the inner part of the tooth exposed. The inner part of the tooth is naturally a yellowish colour. When the person sees their teeth as being yellow they bleach again, which just makes the problem worse. Eventually, the teeth become so weak and broken down that they crumble or fall apart. Then the person has to endure root canals, crowns, and even implants just to fix the damage.

Bleachorexia on the Rise
According to dentists that specialize in cosmetic dentistry bleachorexia is on the rise. There is so much pressure on people to look great all the time these days that people are going to extremes bleaching their teeth constantly. In the era when selfies are popular and posting photos of yourself are expected everyone wants to look camera ready all the time. Having a white smile is expected, so people do whatever they can to make their smile look great. Unfortunately, all that bleaching can destroy natural teeth. Using a natural tooth whitening product and using it responsibly is the best way to whiten teeth without causing massive damage to your teeth. 

The danger of Teeth Whitening Using Non-Natural Techniques: Chemical Burns 

Whether you use a DIY kit or have teeth whitening done at the dentist if you use a product or have a treatment did that doesn't use natural elements to whiten teeth you could get hurt. Many products that aren't naturally based use harsh chemicals that can destroy the surface of your teeth, ruin the enamel of the tooth, or even cause nasty chemical burns on the gums. Chemical burns on the gums can take weeks to heal and they are very painful.

DIY Kits

The teeth whitening kits that you can buy in stores are notorious for causing chemical burns and the loss of tooth enamel. Because these kits are made to be one size fits all they often don't fit right. When the tray or the strip doesn't fit your teeth exactly right there is a bigger risk that you will get some of the toxic tooth whitening solutions on your gums which will cause burns. And the more you use these DIY kits the more damage will be done. Over time these kits strip the enamel from the teeth which can weaken the tooth and cause discolouration or even tooth loss.

Professional Whitening Treatments

Professional whitening treatments aren't much safer than DIY kits. If the dentist performing the treatment hasn't had enough training using a laser during light-accelerated whitening the laser could damage your teeth. If the gel or other whitening agents aren't put on carefully or if the safety shield for your gums slips or isn't applied correctly you could end up with serious chemical burns on your gums. Everyone makes mistakes, so even experienced dentists can cause injuries when performing teeth whitening procedures. It's safer to choose a natural tooth whitener that won't cause chemical burns, tooth loss or other problems when you want to whiten your teeth. 

Over Bleaching Harms Your Teeth And Gums 

Many people who find themselves bleaching their teeth often with DIY kits or getting bleaching treatments from the dentist don't realize the damage that they are doing to their teeth. In some cases the damage is permanent. A lot of people who bleach their teeth using home kits made from gel trays and whitening strips don't realize that those products aren't meant to be used multiple times in a short time frame. Just because bleaching kits are sold over the counter in the drugstore that doesn't mean they are safe to on a regular basis. They can cause very serious damage to your teeth.

Whiter Teeth But Damaged Teeth

Using teeth whitening kits over and over will slowly strip the enamel off of your teeth. Once the enamel is gone the teeth will become stained very often because there will be no protective enamel left to cover the tooth. As the enamel wears away the caustic chemicals in the kit can even damage the pulp of the tooth. Damaged pulp will cause pain and it can weaken the tooth and eventually cause tooth loss. A better way to whiten your teeth is to use natural cleansers that won't wear away the enamel of your teeth.

Gum Damage

Over bleaching, your teeth can also cause serious gum damage. When the gums are exposed to the whitening gels in either at home bleaching kits or dentist given whitening treatments they can become irritated or red and raw. If the bleaching gels sit on gums for just a few minutes they can be burned by the whitening gel. Burned gums can blister and become very painful, making it hard to eat and drink. Your mouth will look terrible and hurt badly. Your gums could even become infected. Over bleaching is a problem that happens to many people who aren't careful about what products they use to whiten their teeth. 

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